Weed Patrol is Now Booking for the 2024!
Using our area calculator and Google Maps, we can give you an accurate quote for your lawn. All we require is the information below.
Estimates are provided typically within 2 business days. Price is based on all the areas you mow.
Our program is a full 5 applications of both liquid fertilizer and weed control at every treatment-not 3 applications of fertilizer and 2 separate applications of weed control. Best value lawn care program in Edmonton.
The price for five applications of fertilizer and weed control is $276.* New customers save $69 the first year by getting the fifth application for free!
You can choose to prepay for convenience or pay as you go, and you’ll still receive the fifth application for free.
Pay as you go would be four payments of $69 ($72.45 inc GST), which would be automatically charged after the first four services. There would be no charge for the fifth treatment.
Deep Core Aeration (Spring or Fall) is $115, or Deep Core Aeration with over-seeding for $138.
*The price for a standard yard up to 3000 ft2 is $276 (the price includes the $69 5th application fee discount).
Our office staff is not paid commission, and you will only receive a follow-up call if you request one at the time of submission.
**Weed Patrol notifies all customers the day before service by text message. You do have the option to opt out of schedule reminders with any text message you receive. You may reply STOP to opt-out at any time. Our office is also happy to send a service reminder by email or voice message.
Online Quote Form